Thank you so much for this well said, comprehensive factual data. I have commented. I have written so many letters and emails and ironically enough, one of the two responses I have received came from Senator Testor, whose bill rider locked this hunting in place. His response was some bland BS. My heart is permanently broken over the way these sentient, family-loving, loyal animals are treated. Keep up the fight!!!
Thanks, so much, Patricia, for persisting in this fight even though it's frustrating and heartbreaking. I too struggle with my reactions to Jon Tester. I believe his backing of the original delisting was at least partly politically motivated; it helped him get reelected. On the other hand, Tester has supported some helpful legislation for Montanans since that reelection. That's no small accomplishment in conservative Montana.
Another fine, clearly-written, and fact-based treatment of the killing of wolves in Montana, Rick. Keep it up!
Thanks, Brother, I appreciate your taking time to read and comments on both newsletters.
Thank you so much for this well said, comprehensive factual data. I have commented. I have written so many letters and emails and ironically enough, one of the two responses I have received came from Senator Testor, whose bill rider locked this hunting in place. His response was some bland BS. My heart is permanently broken over the way these sentient, family-loving, loyal animals are treated. Keep up the fight!!!
Thanks, so much, Patricia, for persisting in this fight even though it's frustrating and heartbreaking. I too struggle with my reactions to Jon Tester. I believe his backing of the original delisting was at least partly politically motivated; it helped him get reelected. On the other hand, Tester has supported some helpful legislation for Montanans since that reelection. That's no small accomplishment in conservative Montana.